Higher Education

UC professor talks about climate change work in Science

NKU students in Lithuania for work-study program with CinciMedia

UC first in U.S. to study Relaxin for heart failure

UC professor receives neuroradiology society's highest honor

UC architecture students working underwater

Free-college programs multiply

Commuter colleges go residential

Competition means more access to info for UC students

Incoming UC freshmen smarter, from more regional cities

New joint cancer center plans to raise $200 million

UC College of Pharmacy wins Crystal APPLE Award

UC researches how to contain the damage from WMDs

UC planning program rated 20th in nation

Xavier's Graduate School of Business creates growth platform

UC doctor wins prestigious award for endrocrinology work

The Cincinnati region is home to world-class universities including Xavier University, the University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University and Miami Universtiy which compete nationally with outstanding design, architecture, music, business, informatics, entrepreneurship and liberal arts programs. The region also boasts additional private universities and a strong network of community and technical colleges that are making strides to support the needs of today's students by providing alternative paths to four-year degrees and partnering with local high schools to better prepare incoming students for a college career through dual enrollement