Clifton / CUF

Resting on a hill overlooking the north side of Cincinnati, Clifton offers a wide range of experiences from a college atmosphere with the city's largest school, the University of Cincinnati, to an international center for cutting-edge medicine featuring University, Children's and Good Samaritan hospitals. Clifton's history has been preserved in historical buildings and homes — from modest to millionaire. Trendy shops and restaurants can be found on Ludlow Avenue in the Gaslight District, along with the Esquire Theatre, yoga studios, Clifton Market and a newly renovated branch of the Cincinnati Public Library. Even though Clifton is tightly compacted with large buildings and interesting architecture, green space does exist at Burnet Woods

Development News Northern cardinal at winter feeder.

It’s a scary time for birds

Development News Fairey mural list

The art of getting out the vote

Feature Story WORMS navigates their way through Burnet Woods, a surprisingly rustic nook amid Clifton’s bustle.

The WORMS Worldview

Feature Story Norwood / Factory 52 - The Resilience of an Industrial Town tour.

Build the City, But for Whom?

Development News CNU-32 media toolkit graphic

CNU 32.Cincinnati Comes to Town

Partner Content CUDA Studio Clifton list

Deliberating the D Word (Density)

Feature Story Jim Schurrer list

It’s not OK to stay not OK