
Sometimes overshadowed by its trendy neighbor, Hyde Park, Oakley's eclectic residents know they've got a great thing going in a neighborhood that definitely holds its own. Oakley's Madison Road main drag features a wide variety of shops and restaurants anchored by the recently revamped Oakley Square. Don't miss Dewey's Pizza, Oakley Cycles, King Arthur's Court toy store and the Blue Manatee Bookstore, which features one of the best collections of children's literature in the city. You'll know you're in Oakley when you see the marquee for the 77 year old 20th Century Theatre, which hosts live music and special events. And just across the street is the home of Cincinnati's 'other' old school ice cream dynasty: Alglamesis Brothers Ice Cream Parlor and Candy Shoppe, which has been around since 1913.

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