Higher Education

A look around UC's College of Medicine's CARE/Crawley Building

Xavier launches innovative summer business program in Israel

UC team wins ACG Cup

Cincinnati earns its 'Queen City' nickname

UC researchers trace pollution-asthma connection to the womb

UC research displayed for state

Xavier enlightens students on all things financial via webisodes

Students rally to better UC's environment

Xavier expands plan for greener campus

UC joins effort to improve educators

Greater Cincinnati Foundation gives Connect2Success $125,000

Obama hopes to boost green energy, UC can help

Stimulus could bring business boom our way

Carnegie Foundation honors Xavier University

STEM schools could make CPS an educational innovator

The Cincinnati region is home to world-class universities including Xavier University, the University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University and Miami Universtiy which compete nationally with outstanding design, architecture, music, business, informatics, entrepreneurship and liberal arts programs. The region also boasts additional private universities and a strong network of community and technical colleges that are making strides to support the needs of today's students by providing alternative paths to four-year degrees and partnering with local high schools to better prepare incoming students for a college career through dual enrollement