UC researcher wins grant to study language recovery after stroke

Dr. Jerzy Szaflarski, an associate professor of neurology and member of the UC Neuroscience Institute, has been awarded $2.5 million from the National Institutes of Health to study language recovery after stroke and to test a new method of rehabilitation from loss of language function.

According to UC HealthNews, Szaflarski and his team will use functional MRI to examine changes the brain undergoes while recovering from a stroke, resulting in the loss of language functions, or "aphasia".

They also plan to test the effectiveness of a new method of aphasia rehabilitation called constraint-induced aphasia therapy, which forces patients to slowly constrain their communication methods until they communicate non-word sounds or writing only verbally.

Earlier this year, a pilot study by the team showed that patients who underwent the therapy following left middle cerebral artery stroke showed substantial improvement in comprehension and verbal skills.

Read the full article here.
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