Cincinnati YMCA's offer ActivTrax virtual trainers

Nine Greater Cincinnati YMCA's are joining others across the country offering ActivTrax, a virtual trainer that offers users specific fitness and nutrition advice based on their personal goals.

"It's a free benefit to members that really is designed to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. It's a web-based personal trainer. Based on your goals and needs, it builds a customized workout for you each and every time you come to the YMCA. It helps you progress and meet your goals over time," said Dave Martorano, YMCA Vice President of Operations.

Users can sign up at an ActivTrax kiosk at the Y. Since the program is web-based, members can use it and update their progress on a personal computer or mobile device.

"Once you are enrolled, you can look up your information anywhere. You can log your food and workouts for the day, and track your progress electronically," Martorano said.

For lower tech users, exercises and nutrition recommendation can be printed out at the kiosks.

The system currently is used at 1,500 YMCAs, health clubs and wellness centers across the country. The Cincinnati Y's installed them late last month, just in time for those New Year's resolutions. ActivTrax gives users a calorie intake goal for the day, and has a database of more than 70,000 foods to help them keep track of those calories.

More than 1,000 Cincinnati Y members have signed up, Martorano said.

The system offers members guidance and a simple and individualized way to keep track of the systems recommendations.

"We are already seeing users being more consistent, and making a lot of progress in meeting wellness goals," Martorano said.

You can find a list of participating Y's here.

Writer: Feoshia Henderson
Source: Dave Martorano, Cincinnati YMCA Vice President of Operations

You can follow Feoshia on twitter @feoshiawrites
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