City of Cincinnati will begin work on the first phase of enhancements to Mt. Lookout Square on Monday, June 7. Construction, expected to last throughout the summer with an anticipated completion date in October 2010, will create approximately 11 jobs. The completed project will eventually total around $1.2 million of investment
Crews from R A Miller Construction will execute the $664,574 first phase of the project that includes the installation of new curbs, sidewalks, brick pavers, streetlights and tree replacement on the southern half of Mt. Lookout Square. Project officials state that the traffic signal at the south intersection of Linwood and Delta will be rebuilt along with the mid-block crosswalk at the parking island. New electrical outlets will also be installed in the parking island that will now make future street festivals or holiday lighting possible.
"The difficult part of this project is maintaining pedestrian access to the wide variety of shops there," explained Dave Krusling, PE with Cincinnati's Department of Transportation & Engineering.
Krusling went on to say that access will be maintained though thanks to R A Miller's experience in these types of projects including recent streetscaping work along Vine Street in Over-the-Rhine, Woodburn Avenue in East Walnut Hill, and Colerain Avenue in Camp Washington.
Last August, the
Mt. Lookout Community Development Corporation (MLCDC) announced their plans for the neighborhood business district that they had felt become "somewhat worn" over the years and needed attention.
two-phased approach the MLCDC outlined focuses on improving the square's appearance while also improving vehicle flow and parking. Included in the proposed changes designed by
Vivian Llambi & Associates was the removal of parking from the center of Mt. Lookout Square in favor of a site design similar to what is found at nearby Hyde Park Square.
Construction work on this first-phase of enhancements will make driving conditions more difficult through the area, so project officials request that motorists use alternative routes if possible. The second phase of work will be dependent on the availability of funding, and is expected to have a similar price tag.
The removal of parking on Mt. Lookout Square will be contingent upon the availability of replacement parking nearby, and is not included in the price tag or time table for the two-phased Mt. Lookout Square enhancement project.
Randy A. SimesPhotography by Tiffani FisherStay connected by following Randy on Twitter
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