launches as an online resource, forum for local vegetarian and green living

The internet has helped make vegan and vegetarian living simpler than ever. Finding animal-free food, products and vegetarian friendly restaurants and news is now just a click away.

But that wealth of information can soon become overwhelming, and looking for local products or events can be daunting. That's why a group of local greenies have launched, an online portal for all things green, vegetarian and local. is a labor or love for several local health-conscious writers and designers. Liz Wu, Kurt Strecker and Ben Ruhmkorff came up with the idea. The site was designed by Brook Westheimer of Watercourse Technology.

"My idea originally was flight of fancy. Being someone who is vegetarian and health conscious and getting out and about, I'm always looking for resources," said Wu, a freelance writer and musician who lives in Dayton, Ky.  "I might have to go to one place to look for a recipe and another place for restaurant reviews. I thought it would be great if you could find all of that in one place."

Wu recruited other liked-minded folks who could help design, write and populate the site, which officially launched Jan. 14 with a party at Park + Vine in OTR. More than 100 people showed up, Wu said.

"It was a great success. We had about a dozen vendors sampling their goods, and a band ... It was just a fabulous night," she said. has six main sections: local events, apparel, recipes, diet, reviews, and news. Many of the entries are written in an informal blog style.

There is also a forum section where readers can respond to articles. Early content includes an article on Vegan Frappucinos (and feedback as to whether they actually are vegan), a vegan cupcake recipe and a video report on a proposed six-million-hen battery cage facility in Union County.

"Anyone can log on and start contributing to the information," Wu said. is also launching an online newsletter - viewers can sign up on the site. You can also follow CincyVeg on Facebook.

Organizers are planning their next Cincy Veg event, a Vegan Wine Tasting with Vegan hors d'oeuvres on Friday, Feb. 4 6:30 p.m., at the Plum Court Wine Room downtown.

Writer: Feoshia Henderson
Source: Liz Wu, co-founder

You can follow Feoshia on twitter @feoshiawrites

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