
For those seeking an urban environment with a funky blend of Victorian homes, eclectic and traditional businesses, a long tradition of community activism and one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Cincinnati, you can't go wrong with Northside. Home to the legendary 4th of July parade, the Northside Farmer's Market, Shake It Records, the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Cincinnati, popular watering holes like the Comet and Northside Tavern and an active community council, Northside is all about preserving its strong grassroots heritage. One of Cincinnati's most walkable neighborhoods, Northside also features multiple green spaces, including Hoffner Park, the central site of numerous festivals.

Cincinnati seeking applicants for arts grants

Free-college programs multiply

Occupying idle teen hands

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AIA report looks at Cincinnati's 100 percent green building exemption

Cincinnati promoting National Homeownership Month

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Cincinnati CFOs forecast increase in 3Q hiring

Hamilton County municipalities meet for Green Development Summit

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African-American Chamber teaming with State of Ohio on minority business development

Do you know where that's been?

Neighborhood blitz program wins national award

Cincinnati escapes major home market downfalls

Where coffee meets community in Cincinnati

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