

Funky Artsy

1310 Pendleton Street
Studio 414
Cincinnati, OH

Kirstin Eismin of Funky Artsy

How did you start your business?
As an undergraduate student, I minored in art and design and my designs bloomed from that experience. Truly, the business started from people asking me to buy the jewelry I was wearing, which I had created.

How did you come up the idea for your business?
As an emerging artist, many people would call my jewelry “funky,” which I loved, but I always wanted them to think of my work as art, too. Thus came the name “Funky Artsy.”

What resources here did you take advantage of and how did they help?
I moved to Cincinnati in July of 2008, just as Funky Artsy was starting to make a name for itself at art festivals, so it was important that I try to use the great resources of Cincinnati!

I was very fortunate to have met the owner of Trend Boutique in Oakley, as she was opening her store in Oakley Square. With Stephanie’s help, Funky Artsy broke into the retail world in Cincinnati. Then, with the help Cincinnati graphic designer Zak Lay, Funky Artsy got a new logo in winter of 2011, just as we launched a new website and an online store.

In January, I became a partner artist in Studio 414 at Pendleton, and participate in Final Friday at Pendleton with an amazing group of artists. I also participate as a RAW artist through RAW Cincinnati, where I was showcased as a featured fashion artist.

What’s next for you and your company?
Funky Artsy is about to launch the 2012 Fall Collection, and I’m actively searching for new stores to carry Funky Artsy jewelry. A bigger push for increase traffic on

Interview by Robin Donovan