Imago nurtures sustainability in Price Hill, city

In the ever-expanding universe of grassroots organizations, nothing is more hardcore "grassroots" that a non-profit that specializes in the environment, You know... grass and roots.

In Cincinnati, we have Imago, an environmental education organization that is committed to teaching Cincinnatians how to live sustainably in an urban environment. Since 1978, Imago's goal has been to excite residents about the benefits of sustainable living and inform the community of the people and resources available to help them.

"Our goal is to answer the question 'How do we live in the city sustainably,'" says Chris Clements, executive director of Imago. "And there are a lot of different audiences located in urban neighborhoods."

Clements says Imago holds information seminars for all ages, from children as young as 5 to the retired, each class catered to the audience. "With kids, you're talking about getting them outside and getting them to love nature," he says.

For adult environmentalists, the focus is on creating spaces to share ideas on the nuts and bolts of sustainable living, whether it means going directly to group or hosting seminars for people to gather, which at times can be challenging.

"[The environmental] community in Cincinnati is small, but passionate, and it's nice for people in that community to find other like-minded people," says Clements.

According to Clements, many people have environmentalist tendencies, but don't want to be preached at or converted. They just want the facts that come from seminars that Imago hosts, such as the 'Ecology on Tap' series. 'Ecology on Tap' is basically a moderated conversation on environmental themes, such as how one can be a more conscious consumer or how to grow edible crops in an urban setting. It's catered for those people that urge to be greener, but aren't sure how to approach the lifestyle.

Clements is sure more environmentalist exist in Cincinnati, they just don't know where to turn for guidance when they don't know where to start. "Sometimes people just need questions answered, like where they can go to compost," he says. "I think the word is out. Being green is part of the future."

Do Good:

Attend: the 'Ecology on Tap' seminars for more info on how to live sustainably and ecologically friendly. the next session takes place on November 16th.

Donate: your time or money to keep the organization running.

Connect: with Imago on Facebook and Twitter

By Ryan McLendon
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