Dog days heat up 100-year-old Ault Park

The Cincinnati Park with the photo-friendly pavilion and extensive old-fashioned rose collection turns 100 this year. In addition to traditional celebrations like a birthday bash this August, Ault Park will also, for a few hours every Saturday, go to the dogs.

Camp Canine, a month of Saturdays dedicated to getting to know your dog, is designed to get both you and your pup some exercise in one of Cincinnati's most historic greenspaces.

"We want to get more exposed to our hiking trails," says Ruthann Spears, manager of the Cincinnati Parks' Explore Nature program. "We thought this was a great way to get everyone and their dogs out in the park."

Each week, experts specializing in everything from pet nutrition to psychology will be on hand to answer questions about food choices, tell you when it's necessary to call a vet and even offer insights into what your dog night be thinking

"[The pet psychologist] can give people clues on to how to read what your dog is feeling," Spears says. "It helps owners with rescue dogs to understand what the dog has been through and other dogs that don't understand why their owner leaves all day long for work."

Camp Canine is the Parks' first dog camp. In order to participate, dogs should be up to date with shots, have a good temperament and be on leash during the hikes.

Do Good:

Leave no child inside. Don't have a dog? Click your way to fun ideas about how to enjoy city parks with your family.

Join the birthday celebration. With a birthday bash slated for Aug. 18 and more celebrations in September, be sure to take time to enjoy more than a walk in the park.

Give a day, get a game. Volunteer at least four hours in a city park and earn a free ticket to a Reds game as a token of appreciation.

By Ryan McLendon

Photo courtesy Cincinnati Parks

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