Green ambassadors gear up for sustainable fun

What do city kids and legendary primate researcher Jane Goodall have in common? A sustainability-focused summer camp in Northside that targets youth and is inspired by Goodall’s international Roots & Shoots program.
For the second year, community organizer Maureen Wood leads the Green Ambassadors this summer. A two-week camp for urban youth, Green Ambassadors teaches sustainable environmental practices through fun, educational programming. Unlike other school-based Roots & Shoots programs, the Northside operation is community-based.

"We want to help kids and help the environment at the same time," says Wood, who founded the Green Ambassadors.

Like all Roots & Shoots programs, the Green Ambassadors program has three areas of focus: the human community, the environment and animals.

This summer, the Green Ambassadors Roots & Shoots group will host a day-camp from June 18 through 30. Fee scales will depend on ongoing fundraising efforts to provide scholarships for children who need them.

Do Good:

• Wager to support scholarships at the Quarter Auction. This very Northside fundraising auction features $5 paddes for adults, $1 for kids. Bring quarters, because they are the coin of choice for the auction like none you’ve ever seen. Starts at 6 pm, Sat., June 16

Tweet all about it. Find out environmental news and more via the official Roots & Shoots Twitter account.

• Go to camp. Email and sign your child up for a camp slot today.

By Elissa Yancey
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