Higher Education

Urban trendsetters: DAAP's Fashion Program

New president will find changes at University of Cincinnati

Cool science jobs from cave explorers to forgery detectives

DAAP Works to showcase some of nation's best design talent

Cincinnati USA Loves YP's

NKU students win seed money for solar business

Cincinnati ranked among best cities for college grads

Hebrew Union College to stay open

Nancy Zimpher says farewell to Cincinnati

How to add $1.6 billion to the region's economy

Xavier sustainability intern promotes green initiatives

UC assistant professor wins Stroke Leadership Prize

Communication, Collaboration, Key to NKU, Vision 2015 Entrepreneurial Alliance

UC's accounting program pulls number 10 rank in the nation

The Cincinnati region is home to world-class universities including Xavier University, the University of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky University and Miami Universtiy which compete nationally with outstanding design, architecture, music, business, informatics, entrepreneurship and liberal arts programs. The region also boasts additional private universities and a strong network of community and technical colleges that are making strides to support the needs of today's students by providing alternative paths to four-year degrees and partnering with local high schools to better prepare incoming students for a college career through dual enrollement