DCI launches 2011 Downtown Perception Survey

Downtown Cincinnati Inc. (DCI) announced the launch of the 2011 Perceptions Survey July 18 as a way to track community opinions about downtown. The current survey, with research, design and analysis by local marketing research firm La Verdad, runs through Aug. 1, 2011.

The survey, initiated in 2004, is a web-based tool to track perceptions about downtown safety, cleanliness and convenience, among other factors. It also gauges awareness and use of DCI programs and initiatives such as the Downtown Ambassadors and Virtual Block Watch. Strengthening positive feelings about downtown is the ultimate goal.

DCI has taken the following actions over the years because of past survey results:

1. They have increased evening staffing of uniformed Downtown Ambassadors.
2. They have funded a "Social Service Outreach Coordinator" who works to connect panhandlers and the homeless with appropriate services to move them off the streets.
3. They have paid for marketing efforts to increase the number of people dining, shopping and enjoying downtown, day and night. Recent campaigns promoted downtown restaurant offerings for Mother's Day and Father's Day.

The Perceptions Survey takes about 12 minutes to answer. Respondents who provide contact information can enter a drawing to win a $100 downtown gift card. To take the survey, go to www.downtowncincinnati.com by Aug. 1.

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