Some of your kid's, or maybe your, favorite toys more than likely got their start right here in Cincinnati.
Sculpco, in Walnut Hills, creates three-dimensional templates for a wide variety of action figures including lines like Dragon Ball Z, Discovery Kids, Pokemon, Spongebob Squarepants and Powerpuff Girls.
The unique company is the brainchild of founder Timothy T. Conroy, a Cincinnati native who worked at Kenner toys for 12 years before starting his own company in 1997.

"I was in a corporate situation and wanted more direct control of outcomes," Conroy said. "After working for Kenner in 12 years, I had worked for most of the toy companies, and soon I had more work than I could handle."
The company works with Hasbro, Mattel, Fischer Price and other top toymakers. As its name implies, Sculpco employees either sculpt, or make three-dimensional, computer-generated models for the companies. The models often are used as samples, and in commercial shoots and catalogs.
"The way it typically works is that a company has the rights to a licensed product, and an idea. They tell us they want 10 figures at a certain scale, at a certain price point," Conway said.
Sculpco has 11 employees including sculptors, molder makers, designers and painters. Most are from Cincinnati.
"We bring people up from ground zero and train them. There's really nowhere to learn what we do here. Most people I have taken right out of college and trained them to do this," Conroy said.
Writer: Feoshia Henderson
Source: Timothy T. Conroy, Sculpco founder