Carol Coletta

Carol Coletta is president and CEO of CEOs for Cities and host and producer of the nationally syndicated public radio show
Smart City.
moving to Chicago to head CEOs for Cities, she served as president of
Coletta & Company in Memphis. In addition, she served as executive
director of the Mayors’ Institute on City Design, a partnership of the
National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Conference of Mayors and American
Architectural Foundation.
Carol is a passionate advocate for
cities, and she has devoted her life to answering the question: What
makes cities succeed? Since founding Smart City in February, 2001, she
has interviewed almost 600 international urban leaders. Through her
weekly conversations on Smart City, her research and consulting, and
now as leader of CEOs for Cities, she continues her ongoing quest for
the answers.
Among her accomplishments, Carol created and hosted
the Memphis Manifesto Summit with Richard Florida, the first gathering
of the creative class to write their call to action for cities; with
economist Joe Cortright she developed a series of papers on talent,
where it moves and why; she conceived and wrote the Talent Magnet
Report, the first city blueprint aimed at attracting and retaining the
creative class; and she co-authored Cultural Development in Creative
Communities for Americans for the Arts.
Carol was a Knight
Fellow in Community Building for 2003 at the University of Miami School
of Architecture. Her paper on the Future of Cities, produced for the
University of Houston Clear Lake’s Future Studies program, was selected
for presentation to the World Future Society annual meeting. She is
currently a candidate for a Master of Design Methods at the Institute
of Design at IIT. She is frequently interviewed as an expert on urban
issues by national media and is an active speaker on the success
formula for cities and creative communities.
This year she was named one of the world’s 50 most important urban experts by a leading European think tank.