Rebecca Ryan
Rebecca Ryan has learned about engaging the next generation.
The firm she founded, Next Generation Consulting, has conducted over 40,000 interviews and surveys with members of the next generation, and leverages their intellectual leadership to help arts organizations, communities, YP organizations, and companies attract and retain patrons, citizens and employees.
Ryan summarized her firm's research in her 2007 book, Live First, Work Second: Getting Inside the Minds of the Next Generation. Dr. Richard Florida, author of the best-selling books The Rise of the Creative Class and The Flight of the Creative Class, considers Rebecca and NGC as "one of the most reliable sources for CEO's, mayors, legislators, economic developers and non-profit leaders who want to attract and retain the next generation of creative workers."
Rebecca was named the 2004 Entrepreneur of the Year by the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the 2006 Communicator of the Year by Women in Communication.
Catch up with Rebecca at the Next Leaders Summit in Cincinnati September 17-19.