Michael Loban
Michael Loban is a co-founder of InfoTrust, LLC, a social media marketing agency based in Cincinnati, OH. InfoTrust helps companies establish their online brand presence, effectively choose marketing channels to reach their target market, and build viral user communities. He is also a Principal of CincinnatiDeservesJobs.com, an online initiative to bring all of the local job resources in one place.
Michael conducts a number of events on a topic of social media, business networking and online community building. Additionally, he is a frequent presenter on the topic of personal branding and how people can use corporate strategies to differentiate themselves. He is currently co-authoring a book on practicing leadership, due to go to press in the fall of 2009. Michael strives to be an engaged member of the Cincinnati community, and is on a board of several charities and foundations. Michael is a graduate of Xavier University; he studied in Israel, and spoke at the Interreligious Conference on Jewish and Catholic Relations at the Vatican.
You can reach Michael at
[email protected]; @ideserveajob.