Steve Aust

Steve is a freelance writer and editor, father, and husband who enjoys cooking, exercise, travel, and reading. A native of Fort Thomas who spent his collegiate and early-adulthood years in Georgia, marriage brought him across the river, where he now resides in Oakley.

Feature Story Mt. Airy treehouse walkways list

A forest hides in plain sight

Development News Unataza list

Brewing connection in Dayton, Kentucky

Feature Story Jim Schurrer list

It’s not OK to stay not OK

Development News The decor and aesthetics of Fort Thomas Coffee more closely resemble a hotel lobby or reception hall than a coffee house.

Fort Thomas Coffee energizes its community

Development News “The Beauty of Peace” mural spans three walls that face Minot and Brownway streets.

A peaceful scene grows in Oakley

Development News Joe Kay is the minister of Hamilton's Nexus United Church of Christ (UCC).

On being a blessing