
Feature Story frischs

What happens when a cornerstone restaurant closes in a small town?

No community was more affected by the closure of Frisch's restaurants than the village of Fairfax.

Feature Story Students at Middletown HS and the other high schools located within the city will benefit from the Miami Middletown Rising scholarship. Studies demonstrate that cities with higher concentrations of college graduates enjoy greater quality of life.

Onward Ho! Middletown Towne Mall rebirth, redesigned firehouses and free college tuition

A trio of projects reflects the Middie City’s 2.0 evolution.  

Feature Story Rich Robbins Duncanson feature

Taft Museum of Art announces the 2025 Duncanson Artist-in-Residence: Rich Robbins

“Rich Robbins exemplifies the spirit of creativity and community engagement that is essential for this program,” - Daphney Thomas, Duncanson Society member.  

Feature Story bethel

Why does one small town struggle while its neighbors thrive? The answers date back years

While much of the county surrounding it is thriving, the village of Bethel hasn't necessarily benefitted. It's not alone. Many tri-state neighborhoods lack resiliency. 

Feature Story 8K principals

OTR developer 8K is honing an engaged approach to revitalize communities

If there’s a century-old, overlooked commercial property with viable possibilities to improve a residential neighborhood; that’s where you’ll find 8K methodically digging in.  

Longform small-ohio

Inclusive dentistry: Transforming access for patients with disabilities

Three Centers for Inclusive Dentistry in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio use specialized training, sensory-friendly tools, and tailored approaches to provide accessible dental care for all patients.

Feature Story montessori

New Montessori school in the works as Xavier's longstanding program is set to end

A group of parents is organizing the Martha McDermott Montessori School, named after a Cincinnati educator who was instrumental in expanding Montessori education.

Feature Story Atrium’s offering a Level 3 Trauma Center provides a valuable asset to the community.

Health care organizations keeping Middletown well

Middletown health care providers discuss improvements boosting local quality of life.  

Longform Star Flatten'em is the team’s public relations director and a jammer.

As we saw it: Soapbox favorite photos of 2024

Soapbox retrospective from last year's archives. 43 remarkable photos published throughout our 16th year of local reporting.  

Feature Story newdeal

The Living New Deal: 90 years later, FDR's groundbreaking program is part of our everyday lives

"It showed what a caring government, an enlightened government, could do for everybody." 

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