HYPE Uses Digital Media to promote the Cincinnati Brand

Branding - it's not just for products anymore. A group of talented young professionals are using digital media to improve the Cincinnati brand. HYPE Digital Media and Branding, a subcommittee of HYPE Leadership Council, held their first meeting on February 23. 

HYPE stands for Harnessing Young Professional Energy; it's the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber's initiative to attract and retain young professionals. About a dozen young people from HYPE attended the subcommittee's first meeting. Their mission: to capture, distribute, and maintain social media streams that promote Cincinnati as a Next City - a hotspot for educated professionals. 

Jackie Reau, CEO of Game Day Communications, tied Digital Media and Branding's goals to the city's strengths, already identified by the Chamber. "The Talent Handprint - research the Chamber did last year - benchmarked Cincinnati against other cities. The word that kept coming up was 'affordability.' We're an affordable place to live, but also a world class city with arts, entertainment, sports, and Fortune 500 companies." 

Now, Digital Media and Branding sets goals and designs projects that allow young professionals to promote our city with their creativity and social media savvy. "Social media allows you to get information out in a vibrant, quick manner," says Reau. HYPE members already make good use of Facebook and Twitter; they hope to begin utilizing YouTube soon. A revamped HYPE website is the largest new project. Reau is enthusiastic about the opportunities for growth - "It's a chance to use your talents to benefit the larger community."

HYPE Digital Media and Branding Subcommittee will meet monthly through the end of 2010. It is co-chaired by Jackie Reau and David Volker.

Writer: Elena Stevenson

Source: Jackie Reau, chair, HYPE Digital Media and Branding Subcommittee, www.cincinnatichamber.com
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