Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney has convened a committee of stakeholders to explore the idea of a downtown dog park, and the
Downtown Residents Council (DRC) has pledged its support.
The dog park, which would likely be located on city-owned land off of Eggleston Avenue, would give dog owners a place to socialize.
Chris Wiedeman of the DRC says the idea emerged after dogs were banned from Fountain Square.
"One of the first things people ask when they consider a move Downtown is, 'Where do you take your dog?'", he says. "We think of our dogs as part of our family."
Mic Foster, owner of the nearby
Pet Athletic Club at 818 Reedy Street, says one would be hard-pressed to find a thriving mid-sized city that lacks a dog park.
"As cities go, Downtown Cincinnati is not dog friendly," he says. "If we want to be successful as a city, that needs to change."
Foster also believes that the proposed site is an eyesore and that a dog park would be in the neighborhood's best interests.
"The location will draw attention to my business, and that part of town as a whole," he says. "I think it will be one of the busiest dog parks in Cincinnati."

Foster is currently working on a website,
www.downtowndogpark.com, that will launch within the next two weeks.
Until the website is up and running, donations to help fund the park are being accepted at the Pet Athletic Club.
Kevin LeMasterSources: Mic Foster, owner, Pet Athletic Club; Chris Wiedeman, Downtown Residents Council
Photographs by Scott Beseler
Photo 1 - Chris, Nikki, and Metro Wiedeman
Photo 2 - Pike and Marissa
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